Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stack, Slice, and Shuffle

Hello Stamping Friends,

This week with Sisters in Stamping we have a fun technique to share. This technique, "Stack, Slice, and Shuffle," allows you to make several different cards that are the same but different. They use all of the same materials, but the cuts and shuffle of the designer series paper makes them different. This was the first time I have personally have played with this technique and I had so much fun. I'll be sharing more ideas with you in the coming days.

First, you select how many cuts you are going to make. I wanted to make four cuts to my paper, so that means I would get four cards. In order to do that I needed to select four different pieces of designer series paper. I cut my paper for this set of cards to 3 3/4" x 5" because I wanted to layer it on a piece of 4" x 5 1/4" before putting it on the base of my cards. 

I stacked my paper and started cutting. I didn't particularly measure since I was cutting all four pieces at the same time. Genius, right?????

The picture below shows the stack after I made four cuts.

Then I shuffled the paper to get four different designs. You will use one piece of each design on each card. See below how the bases look before completing. 

The picture below is the four finished cards. Seriously, I had so much fun making these. They required minimal materials and came together so easily. 

This technique is so fun to make multiples cards without the mundaneness of making four of the same cards because they all turn out a little differently. 

Above and below are the full cards so you can see what they look like since the collage cuts a little off of each one.

As I mentioned already, this technique is so much fun. You need to try it. I am including some other cuts and bases that I made. The cards are not completed, so you will have to come back another day to see even more cuteness.

I selected three different sheets of designer series paper which means I needed to make three cuts with my stack. The top picture is the shuffled look on the bases. the bottom right is the stack for the top picture. The last picture is three totally different pieces of designer paper from a different pack of paper. It is also a stack of three because I did three cuts.  Notice the cuts are different from the duck cut. And again, there is no measuring involved. That's the greatest part of this technique.

Don't forget to head over to Sisters in Stamping for more Stack, Slice and Shuffle cards. 

We have one week left to the sale on Bundles. You can save an additional 10% (which is a total of 20% off) on each bundle. There are some great bundles, so you should go check it out and order before the end of the month. 

Thanks for stopping by. See you soon.

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